
Showing posts from February, 2024

Dances With Wolves

  Dances With Wolves My second post! I checked my vital statistics and decided it wasn't time to sound the Last Post just yet, much as I felt like it yesterday. I hope with   this post I can explain a bit better some of my experiences since entering the mental health services as a 'client' (yes I know we all pay for the NHS one way or another if we're able to) but as far as I can work out I'm just a Job to them and they've certainly tested my patience sorely at times over the last fifteen years. It appears to me that the purpose of the average (choose your own context) NHS Psychiatrist is simply to keep everyone well (by that I mean taking antipsychotics) and any diagnosis will do as long as you're no bother to them. For a long time I was diagnosed as having something called Delusional Disorder because I believed that MI5 were out to 'get me', although I've also been told there was nothing really wrong with me or I had Schizoaffective Disorder or...

How Green was my Wood

  How Green was my Wood Well, this is it, my inaugural post on my new blog and I'm going to start with some sad news from my neighbourhood; a murder of an as yet unnamed person at the railway station a few hundred metres from my home this morning. I don't know if the problems of inner East London are moving ever outwards but with events over recent years it certainly feels that way to me. But I don't want to dwell on news that will be easy to follow on the internet, with this post and maybe one or two further I hope to introduce myself a bit better, contemplate my reasons for starting a blog in the first place and hopefully interest at least somebody enough that they will return to read more of my posts. My name is Robert or Rob for short and I'm nearly 52, a native of Romford. If that sounds a bit like the opening line of a dating profile I should warn you that I don't do Americans; they're all over paid, over sexed and unfortunately not over here.  I was a you...