Just Because You're Paranoid...

 Just Because You're Paranoid...

If you got the money we got the sound, you put it up we'll put it down

Sorry folks this is another post about mental health and conspiracies so it should be fun for someone incorrectly diagnosed as a Schizophrenic like me.

I've been considering events in the run up to my mental health crisis and subsequently and have come to the conclusion that NELFT and possibly other health authorities run a barely legal programme to keep 'clients' on their medication by fair means or foul by harassing them using their families, employers, po po and their own incompetent staff who not only am I expected to pay for but also tolerate. Because they have access and control of your mobile and computer (see previous post about how worthless your right to a private life is) they can essentially make you a persona non grata with anyone they choose, thus denying you a proper legal resolution to their crimes, even if it's only to get them to cease and desist.

For example today I tried to ring ACAS to get an update on a dispute I am in with my previous employer, however when I eventually got through I was given another number to call which was dead. It appears I am going to be prevented from working again until I play needle.

I'm also back to seeing a conspicuously large number of po po when out and about in their pansy, sorry I mean panda cars; run out of helicopter fuel ladies?

It also appears that so called friends, who are also in NELFT's mental health Gulag are being, shall we say, duplicitous. As for other so called friends they ought to know better, I owe most of them money; I ain't bovvered about it or you if you ain't.

And then there is the staged coughing in public, where do they find these people, I guess I'll just learn to tolerate it all and stay calm.

As for family: they say you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family, what a shame Fred and Rosemary are dead.

I guess the last trick they can pull is to stop my benefits, I expect Fred will put up with bunging me a few quid to keep me quiet.

The way I see it I'm 52 now and have enough money in my pension fund to buy a yacht and toddle off away from this dreadful, repressive third world toilet of a country at 55 until my physical health needs looking after.

By the way the voices I heard for the first time in my life appear to have been antipsychotic withdrawal and they have nearly totally abated and boy do I feel alive again now that I am off them. Not surprising after 15 years of being poisoned.

Here's one for all the Doctor Guptas and Mahmoods

Copyright ©️ Romford Rob Jackson 


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