Intensities in Ten Cities

 Intensities in Ten Cities

I'm back! Pleasingly, at least a few people seem to be reading my thoughts so I will continue posting them until we all give up.

I intend at this stage to keep this post short, I don't want to dwell on mental health too much, I hope to cover many more topics of interest to me and, hopefully, the reader also.

I've come to the conclusion that I likely have always had Asperger's Syndrome and my traits are only really obvious to an observer at times of stress, unhappiness, frustration or anger.

For example I have read that Autistics do something called 'stimming' which is a kind of physical stimulation which fills a void in their thoughts or actions.

An example; I can slap myself on the chest repetitively and have other repetitive hand to face habits that I do when I am not otherwise focussed.

This led me on to conclude that some of my bad habits such as chain smoking and drinking litres of Diet Coke are a kind of stimming in as much as they fulfill the need for repetitive action, hand to face movement and also narcotic stimulation, which the caffeine and nicotine provide.

This also prompted me to think about the type of paid employment I have excelled at: data administration.

Can any of you remember the British Gas privatisation? "Tell Sid"

Well I actually worked on the processing of the applications for some of the privatisations; it involved working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for up to 6 weeks at a time if I remember correctly and I was one of the best performing members of staff. 

That said I can also flit from topic to topic and feel I would have made quite a competent researcher if I found something interesting. I really can focus hard at things sometimes.

Finally, I have read that autism has a genetic component and my 21 year old niece has been diagnosed with it, whilst my other niece is very bookish and excelled at school; she has the ability to read incessantly so I'm told.

Well that's all for now, a bit longer than I intended, Please come again.

Copyright ©️ Romford Rob Jackson 


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