It's a Conspiracy, You See

 It's a Conspiracy, You See

This may be a longer post than usual, endeavour to persevere.

Here's a thought, dear reader. What does it mean to you when you think of your human rights? The Human Rights Act? Consider this: the only human rights you really have are the ones you can defend yourself by force or that others are willing and able to defend for you on your behalf by force.

Now consider the Human Rights Act itself, these are all the rights you have.

Article 2: right to life

Article 3: freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment

Article 4: freedom from slavery and forced labour

Article 5: right to liberty and security

Article 6: right to a fair trial

Article 7: no punishment without law

Article 8: respect for your private and family life, home and correspondence

Article 9: freedom of thought, belief and religion

Article 10: freedom of expression

Article 11: freedom of assembly and association

Article 12: right to marry and start a religion

Article 14: protection from discrimination in respect of these rights and freedoms

Now consider this; most of these are what is known as qualified rights, that is the right can be removed in certain circumstances based on certain criteria. These are the rights highlighted in red. The criteria below are the main criteria by which your rights under that article can be taken away absolutely:

public safety or the country’s economic wellbeing

prevention of disorder or crime

protecting health or morals

protecting other people’s rights and freedoms

national security

These sort of sound harmless and respectable enough, but what exactly do they mean in practice? Try and think of any situation whatsoever that anyone with the authority couldn't justify spying on all or any of us in any of the ways that it has deemed legal and got on the statute books. 

Have you heard of Covert Human Intelligence Sources? In essence they're what the Police always referred to as a 'grass'. Now consider that you wake up feeling like having a day off work as we all have. You call in work sick and voice recognition software understands the phrase "day off sick". This triggers an alert, which triggers a text on poor old disabled Mrs Jones's, the lovely old dear next door (how she misses Tom her son who lost his life in the Falklands) phone from her pharmacist telling her her medication is ready. She looks outside the window to see what the weather's like and notices your car is still on the drive and you often run errands for her when you can. She struggles round to yours and asks you to get it and you think "no problem she's a lovely old dear and Tom would have done it if he hadn't been on HMS Sheffield when that French missile struck." So you whack your coat on over your Jim Jams and jump in the car. The GPS signal in your phone, you never go anywhere without it these days, detects that you have left your house and are driving.

Next month your pay is short a day, you query this with Payroll and they tell you it's down to a mistake with your tax. You think to yourself "They'd get blood out of a stone if they could" and go back to work.

Maybe you grassed yourself up, maybe you'll never know.

Now this scenario seems entirely possible given current technology, there are a couple of other situations that can occur following the strict wording of the act as absurd as these seem they could occur depending on what further laws the government of the day introduces.

You could be ordered to commit suicide and if you don't you will be killed anyway.

You could try to commit suicide and if you survive the Government can kill you as punishment.

The Human Rights Act is an appallingly bad piece of legislation.

"All I said was Jehova"

Copyright ©️ Romford Rob Jackson


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