Angle PLC

 Angle PLC

Disclaimer: If I've piqued your interest please consider asking a financial professional before investing, I'm not qualified or authorised to give advice.

I said I liked a blue sky punt and this is by far the best I've ever come across. They have one patented technology called Parsortix which looks really quite simple but could very possibly at the very least lead to very much better diagnosis, treatment and eventually a cure for all types of cancer at much lower cost and far greater speed while eliminating the need for painful and unreliable tissue biopsies; and best of all it's British.

ANGLE plc | Revolutionising Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Research

I don't understand the science in detail but from what I've read cancers shed what are called circulating tumour cells as they mutate and these can settle anywhere in the body and lead to metastasis.

The Parsortix system has the ability to capture as few as one of these cells from a blood draw live and intact for detailed analysis in the lab to guide treatment options.

There is already a wealth of peer reviewed positive research papers in the public domain from the top cancer research centres in Europe and America and in 2022 the company finally achieved FDA clearance for its use in metastatic breast cancer.

It's also worth reading the article below to get an idea of just how revolutionary Parsortix could become in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

The pinprick that improves cancer diagnosis - Barts Cancer Institute (

As for the financials they're quite staggering. You could buy the whole company for a little over £30m! When you consider that Grail, who have a similar but as I understand it inferior test, was recently sold for $7bn.

With such a seeming mismatch in values I can't work out whether I've got this totally wrong or the market has. If Parsortix works as well as the scientists believe it must surely only be a few years until it is in widespread clinical use and what price then?

A word of caution; the company is currently burning cash and will likely need to raise more by the end of this year thus diluting existing shareholders.

I've invested an awful lot in this company by my modest standards and I am currently sitting on a whopping paper loss but I certainly haven't given up hope and remain optimistic for a successful outcome for the company, cancer victims and my investment.

Copyright ©️ Romford Rob Jackson


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