How Green was my Wood Well, this is it, my inaugural post on my new blog and I'm going to start with some sad news from my neighbourhood; a murder of an as yet unnamed person at the railway station a few hundred metres from my home this morning. I don't know if the problems of inner East London are moving ever outwards but with events over recent years it certainly feels that way to me. But I don't want to dwell on news that will be easy to follow on the internet, with this post and maybe one or two further I hope to introduce myself a bit better, contemplate my reasons for starting a blog in the first place and hopefully interest at least somebody enough that they will return to read more of my posts. My name is Robert or Rob for short and I'm nearly 52, a native of Romford. If that sounds a bit like the opening line of a dating profile I should warn you that I don't do Americans; they're all over paid, over sexed and unfortunately not over here. I was a you...
Just Because You're Paranoid... If you got the money we got the sound, you put it up we'll put it down Sorry folks this is another post about mental health and conspiracies so it should be fun for someone incorrectly diagnosed as a Schizophrenic like me. I've been considering events in the run up to my mental health crisis and subsequently and have come to the conclusion that NELFT and possibly other health authorities run a barely legal programme to keep 'clients' on their medication by fair means or foul by harassing them using their families, employers, po po and their own incompetent staff who not only am I expected to pay for but also tolerate. Because they have access and control of your mobile and computer (see previous post about how worthless your right to a private life is) they can essentially make you a persona non grata with anyone they choose, thus denying you a proper legal resolution to their crimes, even if it's only to get them to cease and d...
Sunday Morning Lou Reed The constellations of a bit of cash and a fine spring morning on a Sunday finally coincided again so I took a trip to my favourite summer boot sale at Boreham near Chelmsford. I had a really enjoyable couple of hours and bought some really interesting stuff even though I only went with a tenner. I won't list it all here, it was the usual mix; some CD's a bit of china and antique framed prints. I even did some trading on the hoof. All in all a good couple of hours spent for just £10. A couple of pieces of china I did buy are small ornamental birds, one a Yellow Hammer and the other an American Bluebird manufactured by the company Royal Adderley, probably in the 1960's. I paid £7 the pair which is a very fair price and although I know there's an awful lot of these sort of ornaments still around I'd never seen Royal Adderley ones before. They're in fantastic condition and I can't find any damage to them, even the delicate posies at t...
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