Freedom, Freedom, Equality For My Freedom

 Freedom, Freedom, Equality For My Freedom

Having regained my mind (I'm still hearing voices but I feel I can cope mostly) I have also regained my interest in current affairs and, boy! do I feel sharp again.

I've been posting on another generalist forum about some of the topics that interest me, often about the current social and political discourse in the West and how the Government whilst telling us it is protecting our rights has in fact suppressed the most important ones we consider to be fundamental to our freedom. 

I'm going to copy and paste a post I made and would like to see if you see how our enforced adherence to 'Equality and Diversity' (think a bit about how it is possible to be both equal and diverse at all at the same time anyway) has become an unavoidable necessity in every aspect of our lives.

Here it is, it is meant to be an allegorical truism, knock yourselves out:

How many of you are expected to read the Company's Equality Policy? If you don't take it seriously you'll get a warning from your manager and Human Remains. Your manager earns more than you (you assume) because he's got the company car and 4 bed house but you've no idea what the bird from Human Remains earns because she's got the real power and your boss is also scared of her. She probably doesn't earn as much as him but she spends all day behind closed doors doing God knows what and she's always one of the last to get restructured out because she's the sort of smiling bitch that thinks nothing of destroying lives and livelihoods in a restructuring. As far as you know she wrote the Equality Policy anyway. So basically you've been coerced under threat of losing your job to sign up to an Equality Policy by people who are both far better off than you under it. You'll just have to console yourself that that's what Diversity is all about and you were similarly coerced into signing that Company Diktat.

But don't forget you've got one over them too, you suffered from a period of depression after your divorce which left you bedridden and signed off work. It's a disability! You recovered completely years ago and got married again, but under the Equality Act once you're disabled, you're disabled for life. Both your Manager and The Bitch are sh*t scared of messing with you too. It's time to ask for a payrise and if you don't get one your depression will certainly return. Bingo! that's an employment tribunal, a one way bet on free cash and they'll be even more scared of you too. It Could be You! free cash and a payrise. You might even be able to get The Bitch from Human Remains sacked as well, she's got to answer to her Director who's more equal than any of you and she's on the Board so she only answers to them and they're all mates and watch each others backs but know if they don't keep the shareholders sweet they'll be looking for a new job with a year's salary as a payoff so they don't really care what the staff or shareholders think, they earn so much they can afford to retire and play golf if they want.

Basically all those policies have done is make the people at the bottom fearful and resentful of each other and Equality and Diversity whilst those at the top carry on much as they always did, getting paid awfully well and not working very hard. It's everyone else that has to work harder to keep the shareholders happy and even if you're disabled you can still be canned in a restructuring. The Bitch from Human Remains will probably be o.k. though.

An awful lot of nonsense legislation to leave things exactly as they always were except now everyone wants to be disabled, no need for a Union then. Now what was that about the Nation's productivity?

A slight addendum: nobody at all cares about the African Immigrant toilet cleaner, he's a contractor after all and he's on minimum wage with even less job security than anyone, you don't even know his name. He can just console himself that all this equality and diversity is for his benefit the most.

Copyright ©️ Romford Rob Jackson 21/4/2024


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