Blast From The Past

 Blast From The Past

I hope interest in my ramblings hasn't waned into insignificance just yet, if you're on the verge of abandoning me for pastures greener please bear with this post at least.

I was having a bit of trouble sleeping tonight so decided to spend a bit of time with a flask of coffee by my favourite public bench and predictably enough, the Police decided to execute a drive by.

This made me look back over some events in my life and question when and why I first came to their attention in a negative light.

I guess it could have been the caution I got for criminal damage on my last night at University. I spent the first 8 weeks of my working life paying off the agreed compensation and assumed that was an end to the matter.

But another strange event came in to my memory. This must have been around 2001 after I returned from Australia and had finished working at FTSE International as it was then. I was living at an address in Brentwood, 5 Cromwell Court, a 2 bed maisonette I had bought, legally with a mortgage. I was in the process of decorating it ready for sale or let.

One morning, I think it was about 8.00am there was a loud knock on the back door. When I went and answered it there was a Policeman with a dog aggressively asking me what time I had been out that morning. I assured him that I hadn't been out since the day before to buy some paint. Certainly the dog didn't seem to recognise my scent. He informed me that a woman had been assaulted on her way to work outside my flat. Eventually the Policeman went away empty handed and I was concerned about the crime but nothing more.

That is until I bought the next week's Brentwood Gazette, as I always did then and the story of the assault with an amazing likeness of the suspect (me) was in there! I should have worried more than I did then but I never got arrested for that crime, assuming it even happened and hadn't thought too much about this over the subsequent years.

Now I assume that crime is still on file, with the name of the victim, the Officer that attended my address, even the name of the dog, all with statements. More to the point I expect the Brentwood Gazette archives go back that far and have very possibly been digitised and put online.

I'd hate to think that even as far back as that I'd been identified as a bit of a wrong 'un and the Police just decided to go fishing, was that ever legal?

Copyright ©️ Romford Rob Jackson 


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