Imagine All The People

 Imagine All The People

Or when the fun stops, don't stop.

Welcome back, my diverse and apparently International audience. I'm going to go off on a bit of a tangent today and talk a bit about Britain's National Lottery. It's often derided as a tax on the poor and there does seem to be something in that. I often see people in the newsagents with a winning scratchcard that spend all of their prize money on more scratchcards so I decided to do a bit of research into it.

I came across this site. Essentially, only just over half of the money is paid out in prizes so over time you're guaranteed to lose.

I have my own idea, I haven't thought of a name for it, that's not my job, but I thought it could help with the Government's much vaunted 'levelling up' and actually encourage foreign visitors to some of the regions to spend money and support employment.

My idea, such as it is, is to raffle 'stuff' Internationally. I originally thought of music memorabilia, because I love music so much but there is an awful lot more.

The basic premise is that an artist, sportsman, even a politician could donate an item from their own collection that would appeal to their fans and the general public from wherever in the world could buy tickets to win it. But there are conditions. To collect your prize you've got to be physically present at a pre announced place when your number comes up. The time that the raffle takes place is any time in a two week window and the actual time is announced two hours before the draw. The number of tickets is limited to the amount of visitors the local infrastructure can cope with. 

Imagine how many people from all over the world might end up spending two weeks in Liverpool to get that letter John Lennon sent Paul McCartney or in Manchester to buy the only box of unopened smokes Liam Gallagher owns.

I have thought about the specifics a bit more but I don't want to get into all the detail and I don't like writing essays in my Blog.

Copyright ©️ Romford Rob Jackson 


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