Space Oddity

It's around 1.30am and I've had a quiet evening in the pub but managed to do a lot of thinking about things and got around to thinking about Dr Steven Hawking. At the start I was in a mischievous mood, maybe I'll have a laugh about it all another time.

But then, because I like word play and double meanings I read a few quotes from his published books.

I found this one which I thought was nice:

“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. However difficult life may seem there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up.”

It seems like the sort of thing a man who had devoted his life to trying to understand the Universe in spite of living most of his life with a terrible debilitating illness might say to encourage others after him to try not to give up in the face of adversity.

But then I started wondering. Were these his own words? Could it be that they were the words of the Physician who delivered the news that he probably had no more than five years to live at the tender age of twenty one with his whole life before him? I imagine, like most of us there is a tendency for our heads to drop at such news.

David Bowie Space Oddity Lyrics (


  1. What were Stephen Hawking's last words?

    1. I t o l d y o u i w a s i l


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