How do you Make a Whore Moan?

Give them a Giggle 0 and refuse to pay for either of them.

Sorry, going to try to be a bit more serious with this post, so please try to keep a straight face while reading.

I've been thinking about some of these synthetic drugs that people are encouraged to take to treat all sorts of mental conditions and as far as I can work out they all affect either or both of two chemicals in the brain: dopamine and serotonin. Then I looked into addictive and compulsive behaviours and the chemical that seems to be released in the brain when the desired result from these activities is achieved; a big win at the bookies, the thrill of a skydive etc. it's once again dopamine.

Dopamine: the chemical your body releases when you have an orgasm!

That got me to thinking, are there alternative natural supplements that could help you achieve this effect which I have chosen to brand 'The Surrogate Orgasm'.

For example could consuming a curry and a few cups of coffee before a night at the pub where the flashing lights of the fruit machine are hard to resist help with gambling addiction. More tea Vicar?

Head Machine

While reading on the same topic, it also appears that adrenaline, the fight or flight chemical is known to sometimes be released during sex. I wonder if a better understanding of the mechanisms behind this could potentially have a range of applications from law enforcement to marriage counselling etc?

How do you give a woman an orgasm every time? Who Cares.


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