The Interruptors - Take back the Power

After a brief interlude I'm back with a whimper and a warning.

I have written of my difficulties with the useless and incompetent broken International Health Service and the incompetent so called Doctors who may or may not even be qualified to practice in this country.

I hope some of you take time to click the link above, I love the song, particularly the line 'and when the tax man makes you pay'. It reminds me of when I worked for the Government and just how much they know about what we're all up to, even if we don't realise it.

I would like to have written a better and more imaginative piece but I believe I may have been drugged with something called Carbamazepine without my knowledge or consent and the effects of taking it if I have, despite the fact that physically and biologically giving it to me could kill me, don't seem to have been considered.

I would like people to ask themselves whether I'm suffering from Psychosis or Munchausen's by Proxy?

And for those of you who think it's not your problem, please act fast.

The things that are most important to me for however long I have left are to own my own home, it can be modest, a flat with storage for the things that make me happy, a canal barge to cruise the waterways and to write, because frankly I am never going back to the sort of work mummy has decided is good for me.

These things are my idea of a Kapil Kuteer.


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