24 Hours From Tulsa

 24 Hours From Tulsa

A quick post about 15 minute cities

I've heard of the idea of 15 minute cities and the furore about how once again the Government wants to take our rights away and imprison us lockdown style.

But on reflection I fail to see what all the fuss is about. It appears to me that most of us already live much of our lives within a fairly small radius of our homes. The idea of not having to commute an hour and a half to work is something I would welcome with open arms.

The real problem seems to me to be over zealous councils who have misunderstood the concept and used it as an excuse to introduce traffic restrictions with inadequate planning or consideration of resident wishes and needs. Couple this with the the threat that you're only allowed to travel outside of your 'zone' a half dozen times a year and they have turned something which would suit many of us as a way of life, and is indeed how many of us have always lived, into a genuinely dystopian nightmare.

Once again another perfectly sensible idea that already has such a bad reputation that repairing it will take quite some work.

In 2032 New Earth Government Erects 300-Meter Walls Around Cities To Control Mankind

Copyright ©️ Romford Rob Jackson 


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