7 Deadly Sins

7 Deadly Sins

I'm going to draw your attention to my previous post 'Scary Bitches' and my interest in Islam and the similarities between the Bible and the Holy Q'uran.

The earlier post was not meant to be sarcastic, even if it seemed that way, it was a genuine attempt to reinterpret the hadith in a more moderate fashion.

This time I'll look at the seven deadly sins and see if there aren't parallels between the bible version (even though it was changed in the 7th Century) and the Holy Q'uran version.

Apologies if this offends, it is not my intention.

I found these two links:

One from Abu Amina Elias: https://www.abuaminaelias.com/dailyhadithonline/2019/06/15/avoid-seven-mortal-sins/

And the Wikipedia version: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_deadly_sins

The Islamic sins are: Idolatry with Allah, occult magic, killing a soul that Allah has sanctified except for a just cause, consuming usury, usurping the property of an orphan, fleeing the battlefield, and accusing chaste but unwary believing women.

And the Bible sins are: Pride, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth

I'm going to have a go at equating these with each other, please bear with me:

Idolatry with Allah : Pride

Occult Magic : Wrath

Killing a soul that Allah has sanctified except for a just cause : Gluttony

Consuming usury : Greed

Usurping the property of an orphan : Envy

Fleeing the battlefield : Sloth

Accusing chaste but unwary believing women : Lust

You may disagree, this is just my interpretation of the two books from the sources I have.

Copyright ©️ Romford Rob Jackson 


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