The Mask
The Mask
As someone who's struggled with nicotine addiction dreadfully over the years I've tried all sorts of cessation methods including patches, mouth sprays (I find these effective) ,cold turkey (I have managed this in the past for as long as 14 years!) and Nicorette Inhalators.
The Inhalators are effective but my big gripe is that they are way too expensive for a 40 a day smoker like me and that the cartridges don't last long enough.
As far as I can work out the cartridges are merely a sponge soaked in liquid nicotine which give a quick boost of nicotine for just a few minutes. But the problem is they seem to cost over £20 for just 6 cartridges from high street stores. That makes it a lot more expensive than smoking for me.
I wondered if Nicorette couldn't change the design to make them look more like traditional cigarettes, perhaps just a sealed sponge wrapped in paper like a cigarette, this may also be more environmentally friendly, make them last a bit longer and sell them in packs of 20 like traditional cigarettes much more cheaply than currently.
Possibly something like this could even replace the cigarette as a means of delivering nicotine in pub gardens and elsewhere without being anti social and with massive health benefits for smokers.
I thought a price as low as £12 for 20 would allow everyone to make a healthy profit and allow the Government to take a tax cut.
It could be worth thinking about.
Copyright ©️ Romford Rob Jackson
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