
Showing posts from August, 2024

Imminence - The Call of the Void

  Imminence - The Call of the Void Over the last year I've travelled to some weird and wonderful places which have shaken my understanding of what it means to 'exist' to its core. Fortunately, amongst all of the thinking I have done (I think) I have also spent time pondering more earthly pursuits. One that I read a bit about was what is known as the High Place Phenomenon or The Call of the Void . Radiohead - High and Dry This phenomenon is something I have experienced along with suicide ideation at various times in my adult life and the explanation for the psychological effect behind it seems reasonable to me because that is how I rationalised it myself. That said, I wonder if there are practical applications in the field of suicide prevention that have been considered? For example if someone is known to be expressing suicidal thoughts and experiences the Call of the Void could a change in their presentation to still expressing suicidal thoughts but no longer experiencing...

The Trouble With Incels

  The Trouble With Incels Only the lonely This post is on a serious topic and I do not intend to make light of it even if it seems that way. I started thinking about the online incel community and the spate of school shootings that seems to be a recent phenomenon in the US. I would think an awful lot of analysis has been done into the typical profile of the shooters, a lot of it looking at sociological and economic factors. But I wonder if the root of it isn't evolutionary drivers and the selfish gene? As far as I can see, the incel community is broadly divided into those who plan to commit suicide and those who plan to kill others. This whole phenomenon of young people committing mass murder against their communities appears to have come about at a time when there are rapid and fundamental changes in population and available resources in parts of the West; more people sharing finite resources. But one theory I have is that there may be a correlation between those incels who have s...

The Usual Suspects

  The Usual Suspects Divine Ordinance: everything from this point on is intended to incite hatred, create division, foment unrest, just say yes, smack my bitch up, cause a lolocaust, offend, encourage violence, target the vulnerable, put your head in a gas oven and put your rights over your responsibilities. I've thought of an idea for a blockbuster movie script. It's a sort of Pale Rider story about a gunfighter who returns from the dead to wreak vengeance on those who wronged him. I want it told in a kind of Usual Suspects style, leaving the viewer to work out who the real Crook is. There'll be an eclectic range of characters picked randomly from people I've come across in real life. There'll be the average businessman, Damphouse, who's machinations stretch to sitting side saddle on a cheap iron horse, and his sidekick Walliams. Halfchat, the mysterious fortune teller who types in tongs due to a visual impairment. Pool Hand Fluke, who knows that a stitch in ti...

How do you Make a Hor Moan?

  How do you Make a Hor Moan? Give them a Giggle 0 and refuse to pay for either of them. Sorry, going to try to be a bit more serious with this post, so please try to keep a straight face while reading. I've been thinking about some of these synthetic drugs that people are encouraged to take to treat all sorts of mental conditions and as far as I can work out they all affect either or both of two chemicals in the brain: dopamine and serotonin. Then I looked into addictive and compulsive behaviours and the chemical that seems to be released in the brain when the desired result from these activities is achieved; a big win at the bookies, the thrill of a skydive etc. it's once again dopamine. Dopamine: the chemical your body releases when you have an orgasm! That got me to thinking, are there alternative natural supplements that could help you achieve this effect which I have chosen to brand 'The Surrogate Orgasm'. For example could consuming a curry and a few cups of coff...

Pixies - Debaser

  Pixies - Debaser Before Proceeding Further, Please Consider the Legal Implications of Taking my Advice. They say everyone loves a trier, and you can achieve your dreams if you put your mind to it. They also say everyone deserves a sporting chance and to the victor the spoils. That brings me around to the remarkable success of one Dr. Naushad Ali Junglee whose rags to riches fairytale is an example for us all. Catatonia - Mulder & Scully But more on that later, I'm sitting on my favourite bench in the dark contemplating my navel. Being of Welsh ancestry myself I thought I'd dedicate this post to some of the great bands and acts to have come out of the country in living memory. Tom Jones "Delilah" on The Ed Sullivan Show ( Another of my favourite alternative bands from Wales are the Manic Street Preachers. Their first album 'Generation Terrorists has some great tracks on it: Slash 'n' Burn, NatWest-Barclays-Midland-Lloyds and Another Inven...

Scary Bitches Piss All Over Your Grave

  Scary Bitches - Piss All Over Your Grave I've just had a quick look at an article on MSN concerning the previous 5 or 6 previous Government administration's flagship policy; which is to simulate growth. Angela Rayner vows to save benefit claimants from ‘expensive’ rents ( I was also looking at some of God is Greater London's planning policy and wondered if Christian graveyards were 'grey' land? This thought occurred to me because as far as I could work out from the reading I've done, it is planned to allow Christian graveyards to be dug up and 'repurposed' as anything whatsoever: that is, they can be bulldozed over and built on. Derek & Clive - R Sole Sinners While I'm at it I was reading some of the Hadith in the Holey Quran and I'm convinced that a perfectly reasonable interpretation of some of the most contentious ones, those on homosexuality, The eating of pork and consumption of alcohol may potentially have been misinterpreted ...

Aerosmith - Big Ten Inch Record

  Aerosmith - Big Ten Inch Record   Regular followers of my irregular postings will know that I am a stickler for little pieces of the big picture and today's missive from the massive focuses on a real world example in how in the Gubmint's desire to digitise, modernise and sodomise things that worked adequately before, they buggered the whole thing. I like to know which qualifications the Doctor's treating me have so looking at one record on the General Medical Council's website I noticed some glaring anomalies in the information recorded. Rita ISANEDIGHI Looking at the entry for this Doctor on the register, the first thing that struck me was that their primary qualification as recorded does not actually qualify them to practice as a GP in the UK: the register has not been updated. Also, for those who are interested please look for the glaring error in this Doctor's full registration date as shown on the register and the paragraph under 'please note'. See an...